Do Everything

"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father," (Colossians 3:17 NASB).

When I don't get the sleep that I need (which decreases as I age, but still...) I really have to fight being grumpy. And with a new puppy now living in our home, I've been rather fatigued.

I went to Fairmont State yesterday to pick up my sister. Security was flagging every person who entered the campus, and traffic was backing up onto Locust Ave. This wasn't a big deal, and it really didn't upset me, but I ended up getting an attitude with the security guy. I wasn't a major snot to him, but I certainly wasn't acting like Jesus was riding shotgun in the van with me. Yesterday was move-in day at the school, so there were lots of new families who were unfamiliar with the campus. The security guy was just doing his job.

Then, when I took my sister back to the campus a few hours later, I wanted to just pass through. I even said that, when the security guard, again, stopped me (how dare he!), "Just passin' through!" I said.

"Where are you going?" he replied.

Nunya, was what I wanted to say. I did say something like, "Why do you need to know?" (Did I mention I had an attitude?) Then I told him I was dropping off my sister.

That wasn't good enough. He wanted to know where I was dropping her off at.

Now I was annoyed, so Ella piped up and explained that she was going to the Financial Aid office. Then he told us that the way I wanted to go was blocked, so I'd need to go another way.

Again, the guy was just doing his job. I didn't respond kindly to him, nor did I present a good witness in front of my sister.

Do you ever do or say something, and you are surprised at your behavior even while you are doing or saying whatever it is? I felt convicted about my attitude all day.

Before I went to bed, I saw this video for Stephen Curtis Chapman's song, "Do Everything," on my friend Charli's blog.

I got up this morning at 4:30 to let Daisy out (which was fine, because she slept in her crate from 10:00 until then, which is six and a half hours straight--wah-hoo!). While I was petting her, this song was going in my head, and it hit me: even taking care of this puppy, and my attitude about it, needs to be done as though I'm doing it for Jesus.

Everything I do, and say (even to security guards), is to be done in a way that has Jesus in mind and brings glory to God. Attitude adjustment received. Thank You, Lord. :)


  1. Selena, I love your truthfulness. I really struggle with this too as I am unfortunatly fluent in sarcasm.
    BTW...thanks for the shout out.


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