13 Years!

It is hard to believe that thirteen years ago today I married my tall, handsome redhead. Above is our engagement picture. And below is my favorite wedding photo...I love this picture! I used to stare at it and think, "Wow, I'm really married to this guy!"

Since it was very cold and snowy that January, we waited until May to go on our honeymoon to Scotland. In this picture, we are standing at the lookout at Queen's View. I am terrible at remembering things, so I don't recall where we were in Scotland, but Glen would know.

I'm working on a "13 Memories" card for Glen for his anniversary present--reciting thirteen things, one for each year, that I fondly remember about our marriage. I'm excited to give it to him when he gets home from work tonight.

Glen has taught me so much during our marriage. I'm thankful for everything we've been through--the good and the bad--because it is part of who we are together today. I'm excited for what God has for our future together, and I'm thankful that I get to spend life with someone whom I love so much!


  1. happy anniversary!!! I love the idea of "13 Memories"...what a thoughtful gift!

  2. Congratulations! I remember snow and green, I think I wore a green dress! Your family is awesome! I love the thirteen memory idea, I think I might borrow it!


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