Sara's New Do

After three or more years of constantly begging for short hair, I finally relented and let Sara get her hair cut.


And after!

She's such a cutie pie, she looks good with both long and short hair. She makes me want to go chop mine off now, too (since I'm back in pony-tail bondage again).


  1. She looks great! I love her hair cut!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. She looks so cute!!! You know, ASICS in Fairmont does $5 cut/shampoo the first Tuesday of each month. They do a pretty good job too!

  4. So, I thought I'd delete your duplicated comment, Charli, but I didn't know it would post a note saying that I deleted it. I thought it would just go away. :( Sorry

    Lesson learned.


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