Visit from Grandma Jean & Three Kings Day

Yesterday, Glen drove to Lumberport to pick up his mom from his sister's house. She was in visiting from Ohio, and she came to see the kids and have lunch. The kids were very excited, of course, because she brought presents.

Today is Three Kings Day, or Epiphany. This day marks the date that the three wise men visited baby Jesus after He was born. To celebrate, we had some middle-eastern food (falafel, gyros and tabbouleh salad) for dinner, and then we ate a trifle for dessert.

After we ate, the Campbell kids dressed up (sort of) like the three wise men, while they listened to Glen read the story of their visit to Jesus, and how they were warned in a dream not to return to King Herod.

Here they are before King Herod...

They came and presented gifts to baby Jesus and then we presented each of them with one gift.

You may already know that when Herod found out that the wise men did not return to him as he asked them to, he was furious. He ordered that all the baby boys two and under be killed. Joseph and Mary were warned in a dream to take Jesus and go to Egypt, to escape Herod's wrath.

The wise men gave three valuable gifts -- gold, frankincense and myrrh ( all basically equal in value, and still valuable today).  I always wondered about those gifts, thinking them odd things to give when Mary and Joseph needed more practical things.

Glen made a great point -- these valuable gifts enabled them to make that journey to Egypt, to have the provision necessary to go to a different place to live while they waited for a safe time to return. So they were extremely practical, after all!


  1. i never considered the practicality of those gifts...that they probably did use them for their travels! How neat!!


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