Um, no thank you, God?

"God is our refuge and strength, 
 A very present help in trouble," (Psalm 46:1 NASB).

We were out of skim milk, so I went to the local grocery store to buy some more. On my way back, an older woman with a crippled leg and foot was making her way up the road in the opposite direction. My heart went out to her because it is cold outside, so I turned around.

 I put down my window and called to her, "May I give you a ride?"

 "NO Thank you!" she yelled, not even making eye contact with me.

 "Are you sure?" 

 "YES!" she yelled again, still not looking my way. 

I drove up the road and turned around again, heading home, pondering her rejection of my offer. Although she could benefit from help, she gave the impression that she was determined to do things on her own.

How many times have I been in this situation with the Lord, needing His help but struggling to do things on my own? We've all seen this in our children, those times when they need our help but they reject our offer in favor of doing things their own way. And if they manage to get the task done, it is usually with more pain and frustration or suffering than necessary.

So I'm chewing on this today, in light of "restraint," my one word for 2013. How many times have I exercised self-control to keep myself from being humble before God when I really needed to run to Him? 

This is a curious thought to me, since I picked the word "restraint" from the perspective of reigning in my lack of control. It's such a God-thing for Him to turn this around on me.
What about you? Do you struggle with asking for help when you need it? 



  1. Only about every other day of my life...I'm very stubborn.


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