Taking Responsibility

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I think all of us have felt like this at some point—the weight of the world on our shoulders.

We struggle through our days, knees ready to buckle from the strain of the heavy load we carry.

And often we are angry.

We wonder why no one helps us. Why doesn’t anyone care? We think, "Can’t they see how hard my life is?"

Today, I read the story of Simon the magician, found in Acts chapter 8. This is where Peter and John came to Samaria to help support the ministry of Phillip, by praying for the new believers to receive the power of the Holy Spirit.

When Simon saw that the power of the Spirit was given by laying hands on people, he offered Peter and John some money. He wanted to buy the power he witnessed.

Peter rebukes Simon, telling him he better repent and pray that God would forgive the evil intention of his heart.

Simon's response?

“Pray to the Lord for me yourselves…” (vs. 24). 

What?  Peter tells him he better get on his face before God, and Simon responses with, “No, you do it for me.”

Now, I love this. In fact, this verse is the epitome of what I love about the Bible. It is living and active, which means it applies to every moment, in every time. And we are definitely in a time when people often don’t want to take responsibility for their actions.

Me, included.

I think of all the times that I’ve wanted to blame my parents, or my husband, or my kids, or my scars, or whatever else is convenient—all instead of bowing my knees to the Lord for help.

What about prayer requests? I think this example of Simon is a classic way that we Christians tend to dodge our spiritual responsibility.

We have a problem or a trial, and we call someone to pray. “Help! Fix it! Ask God to make it better!”

When what we really need is a healthy dose of repentance and alone-time with God.

I stand convicted. (Though maybe I should kneel?)


  1. I just read this chapter (I'm moving through Acts right now) and the exact same verse stuck out to me! Yes, we have a responsibility for our own hearts and to bring things before God. Thank you for a good word!

  2. Good word!!!! That never stuck out to me before when reading that! Thanks for posting! I'm going to monitor my own prayer request list and make sure I'm lifting them up before God before requesting others do it for me! Definitely a good word, spoken in love, to ME!


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