He Knows {Day 15 of 31}

I'm praising God today for His knowledge of all things.

Our dog, Daisy, has been limping for three weeks now.

We took her for a walk one morning and she was fine. A few minutes after coming home she limped into the family room holding up her left hind leg, and she's been doing that ever since.

We took her to the vet the next day, and he said it was possibly a pulled muscle. He gave us pain medicine and told us to keep her on leash so she wouldn't run or jump.

Daisy had an appointment for booster shots today, so the vet looked at her leg again. He said she has a cruciate ligament rupture.  And she needs surgery.

While on the way to church tonight, Jeremy Camp's new song, "He Knows," was playing on KLOVE, as I was praying for our dog.

This thought popped into my head, "I know Daisy. I know what's wrong with her leg. I made her."

I believe that was from God, and He was just reminding me that He knows everything. And He is in control.



