Five Minute Friday :: Path {link up}

I didn't choose this path.

It may not seem like a big deal to some, but the path I chose was very different. And my heart is broken.

God allows us to plan things, but He ultimately directs our path. This is truth and we read it in the Word and say, "Amen!"

But when He applies it to our lives and our path diverts from the goal we had, it hurts.

Even though pain can be good -- and God is good, this I know! -- it is not easy. I am tempted to look down the path I've been forced to leave; longing for things to be as they were, angry that they are not.

But that will destroy the new goal that I have, to be utterly surrendered to whatever my God calls me to do, and to go forward in faith, fearless of what lies ahead because I know I can trust the path that He calls me down.

He will never lead me astray.

All that is left to do is to keep my eyes fixed on Him and continue down the path. Forward motion, with my surrendered action willing my feelings to follow suit.

Writing with others for Five Minute Friday


  1. Hi Selena, I have not been here and I am so glad to connect with you today!
    Yes sometimes the path are unsure, unmarked but we are rest assured that God will not lead us astray or leave us in the midst of the unknown.
    I love that He is there with us always
    God Bless Selena.

  2. I could have written those words six years ago. But, at the time, I wasn't ready to accept His path. I was in a fog and grieving. I felt so lost and confused.
    I still feel the sting of loss and would jump back into my old life if I had a chance--and if I could keep the way God has grown me in the process. But I am resting in His path more than ever--with much more open hands to His will and way.
    Thank you for your words, fresh and raw.

    May God honor your desire to follow Him even when it doesn't make sense.



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