31 Days of Praise {Link up}

I've been rather lazy about posting. Mostly because of things going on in my life, some good and some not so good. But the not-so-good things have been overwhelming me at times, and then I can't see the good.

So, to participate in the 31 Day writing challenge , I chose the theme of praise, defined as approval or admiration of someone or something.

This, hopefully, will inspire me to write some positive posts, which will require me to think positively, which hopefully will help me to be focused on what is most important in life - the good.

To further challenge myself, I'm going to write my daily posts in just five minutes, which is the challenge of Kate Motaung, who is the new host of Five Minute Friday.

This is also the page where I'll keep a running list of my 31 posts, so my button will bring you here, and then you can click on the link for the posts that you care to read.

I hope you'll join me and share your own praiseworthy moments, or just leave me some encouragement along the way!

Blessings to you!

(Disclaimer:  Since illness and other unforeseen things (fatigue) have interrupted my plans to post daily, call me lazy, but I am making the post day match the date, just so I don't have to think much about what day I'm on ).

Day 1:  God is Faithful

Day 2: God is Gracious 

Day 3: God Makes All Things New

Day 4:  God is My Friend

Day 5:  God Never Sleeps

Days 6 & 7:  No More Pain

Day 8:  Breath

Day 13:  New Days

Day 14:  Words

Day 15:  He Knows

Day 16:  He Love Us

Day 21:  Letting Go

Day 23:  Freedom

Day 27:  Forgiveness
